Information for families

Education in Scotland
Scotland has a world-class education system that produces thousands of well educated, qualified and skilled young people every year. It is a different education system to those used elsewhere within the UK.
Armed Forces families who are entering the Scottish education system for the first time need to understand how the Scottish system works so that they can help their child get the best out of their time at school here. Find out more…

Education is a partnership
We believe that parental involvement is a key factor in whether or not a child does well at school.
Whether you and your family are in Scotland for a short posting or a long-term stay, being actively involved with your child’s school and their teachers will help you ensure that their Scottish education experience is a positive and valuable part of their life-long learning journey. Find a school…

Supporting schools
Lots of work is being done in Scotland to help schools support Armed Forces children. It is really important to tell schools that you are an Armed Forces family. Don’t assume that they know. Tell them, and show them this website.
Good communication with the school is hugely important. Share your child’s journey with them – where they’ve been before and what they’ve learnt. If you do it will help the school do the very best they can for your child. Find out more…
Education in Scotland
Our guide to the Scottish education system for Armed Forces families.
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Which school year group is my child in?
Parents who are unfamiliar with the Scottish education system, may not be clear which year group their child will be in when moving to a school north of the Border.
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Fact sheet: Support for your child
Find out about the different support available to school children in the Scottish education system
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Finding a school
Information on the schools closest to military bases throughout Scotland.
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Powers for transition
We have created a special comic and set of characters to help children during their transition to the Scottish education system
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Early stages
We’ve created an information pack for parents of youngsters moving to a new early stages school in Scotland.
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Posted to scotland?
As Part of our Forces Families in Scotland video series, these shorts discuss the many differences between Scottish and other schools.
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