Welcome to Forces Children’s Education, this website includes clear and accurate information for education professionals and Armed Forces families in Scotland, with information and resources being added regularly. This website was created by the Association of Directors of Education (ADES), in conjunction with the Scottish Government, Local Authorities across Scotland and the Ministry of Defence.

For families
This information has been brought together to give you an introduction to the Scottish education system; provide you with an understanding of the geography and education resources available, and join up the MoD (SFA and posting assignments) with local authority and schools information. Find out more
For professional educators
This website will help you and your schools appropriately support Armed Forces children. Forces children are in schools in every local authority across Scotland and we hope to assist you in understanding some of the life experiences and their various education journeys. Having an appreciation for the issues around mobility and additional support needs (especially, interrupted learning, separation and loss) will enable you to provide assistance if, and when, needed. Find out more

Carolyn MacLeod MBE
ADES National Education and Transitions Officer
Carolyn is a former teacher whose role with the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES) is to create a blueprint for education policy affecting the movement of Forces children into, away from, and within Scotland.
Carolyn works with local authorities, schools, children’s services, and the Military to enhance policy and practice for children and young people of Armed Forces families (Regular, Reserve and Veteran/ex-Service). She encourages liaison and communication, works closely with the Scottish Government, Education Scotland and is a member of the Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group (SAFESG).
The ADES National Education and Transitions Officer (NETO) is responsible for children and young people of Armed Forces families in Scottish schools and other settings and is a post funded by the Scottish Government. The NETO plays a key role in supporting schools and school leaders, particularly through the Armed Forces Families Lead Officer (AFFLO) in each local authority, and the head teacher’s network. These networks enable the sharing of information and best practice to all local authorities and their education staff, to improve the support offered to children and young people from Armed Forces and veterans’ families. The AFFLO are lead officers, similar to Service Pupil Champions in other areas of the UK.
The NEO works with schools, local authorities, children’s services partners, and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to shape policy and practice, ensuring the unique needs of Forces children are highlighted and considered.
Carolyn – herself a military spouse and parent – has held the position as NETO (formerly National Transitions Officer NTO) since 2012 and has a wide breadth of knowledge and experience in supporting Forces families. You can contact Carolyn directly by emailing info@forceschildrenseducation.org.uk.
Our mission
This site, Forces Children’s Education (FCE) was initially funded by the MoD Education Support Fund (ESF) under the management of the ADES NETO. The ESF is the responsibility of the MoD’s Armed Forces Families and Safeguarding (AFFS) department, formerly the Directorate Children and Young People (DCYP). This funding aims to support projects that mitigate the effects of ‘exceptional mobility’ or ‘deployment’.
FCE has always extended this reach to include resources and authoritative information in support of the learning journey of children and young people of armed forces families (Regular, Reserve and Veteran/ex-Service). FCE is an excellent first point of contact for information regarding transitions in education and learning, for armed forces families. We have many resources including documents, guides and links to local authorities and partnership groups available.
You can follow Forces Children’s Education on the following social media platforms:
Carolyn has established and facilitated several national ADES networks. These include the AFFLO network of nominated lead officers for each local authority, the head teacher’s forum (primary and secondary state schools), and the Professional Leadership Network UK of head teachers across jurisdictions.