Educators – Sharing Good Practice Northern Event – Aberdeen

An aerial image of Aberdeen City Centre, with Aberdeen educators - sharing good practice printed on top.

This national event for educators, hosted by Aberdeenshire Council, will provide an opportunity to:

  • Share ideas, information and challenges with colleagues.
  • Learn more about armed forces families (serving and veterans).
  • Reflect on current practice, professional development and forward-planning, and
  • Discuss how we engage with parents, families and children to support their learning journeys.

This will also be a chance to add value to research which focuses on children from Armed Forces families with Additional Support Needs and the impact of mobility. The research is being undertaken by Edinburgh Napier University, Centre for Military Research, Education and Public Engagement in partnership with ADES.

Register for the event

The event will take place on Wednesday, 25 September 2024 at 10:00 – 16:00hrs, and is hosted by Aberdeenshire Council at Woodhill House, Aberdeen AB16 5GB.

To register for the event, please fill out the form below. Further information: event programme, joining instructions and support documents will be provided soon.


We’ve created a poster with this information to help you share this event with colleagues, use the button to download the printable A4 info sheet to post in break rooms or email on to colleagues from the Aberdeenshire area.

About ADES

This event is hosted by Aberdeenshire Council and ADES (the Association for Directors of Education in Scotland), working in collaboration with Education Scotland, the Scottish Government (Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group – SAFESG) and Edinburgh Napier University, the Centre for Military Research, Education, and Public Engagement.