RAF Lossiemouth is located on the north coast of Scotland.
The postcode for RAF Lossiemouth is: IV31 6SD
Service family accommodation
Service Family Accommodation for personnel based at Lossiemouth is located in:
- Lossiemouth
- Pinefield, Elgin
- Bishopmill, Elgin
- Springfield, Elgin
Catchment schools
A full list of all the catchment schools serving these patches is below.
Use the appropriate filter to select a specific patch and view the catchment schools associated with it.
Parents should note that these patches all fall within the jurisdiction of Moray Council.
Choosing a non-catchment school
The schools listed are those with catchment areas containing military housing.
In Scotland it is sometimes possible to choose a school outside your catchment area and there are other schools in the area which may be suitable, particularly if you have chosen not to live in quarters.
For details of other schools in Moray click here