Resources for Families experiencing loss through a bereavement
A list of books and useful websites for young pupils and their families when experiencing loss through a bereavement. Age groups are also indicated to help you find the correct resource for your children.
Thanks to the Service Pupil Advisor in Argyll & Bute Council for compiling the list of resources
Resources for pupils and families experiencing loss through bereavement.
Love Will Never Die – Helping children through bereavement
By Clare Shaw
(For ages 3-5 years)
Following the death of a loved one, it is vital that children are given the opportunity to grieve. This wonderfully written, interactive book provides children the emotional tools they need to go through that process. Using direct but child-friendly language, it addresses the mixed emotions felt by a child during times of bereavement and offers support and understanding.

Badger’s Parting Gifts
By Susan Varley
(For ages 3-5 years)
Badger is so old that he knows he will soon die. He tries to prepare his friends for this event, but when he does die, they are still grief-stricken. Gradually they come to terms with their grief by remembering all the practical things Badger taught them, and so Badger lives on in his friends’ memories of him.

Always and Forever
By Debi Gliori
(For ages 3-5 years)
When Fox dies the rest of his family are absolutely distraught. How will Mole, Otter and Hare go on without their beloved friend? But, months later, Squirrel reminds them all of how funny Fox used to be, and they realise that Fox is still there in their hearts and memories.

The Memory Tree
By Britta Teckentrup
(For ages 3-5 years)
A beautiful and heartfelt picture book to help children celebrate the memories left behind when a loved one dies. Fox has lived a long and happy life in the forest. One day, he lies down in his favourite clearing, takes a deep breath, and falls asleep for ever.
Before long, Fox’s friends begin to gather in the clearing. One by one, they tell stories of the special moments that they shared with Fox. And, as they share their memories, a tree begins to grow, becoming bigger and stronger, sheltering and protecting all the animals in the forest, just as Fox did when he was alive.

I Miss You – A First Look at Death
By Pat Thomas
(For ages 4-7 years)
When a close friend or family member dies, it can be difficult for children to express their feelings. This book helps boys and girls understand that death is a natural complement to life, and that grief and a sense of loss are normal feelings for them to have following a loved one’s death.

The Invisible String
By Patrice Karst
(For ages 4-8 years)
This book is a heart-warming story that reassures children that even though they can’t always be with a loved one, they’re always in each other’s hearts. Whenever a child thinks about a family member, THE INVISIBLE STRING gives a tug.
This book is an excellent way to begin the conversation about death. The gentle story illustrates that we are still connected by love even after someone passes.

Helpful websites
- Good Grief:
- Bereavement UK:
- Breathing Space:
- NHS:…/coping-with-bereavement/