Fact sheet: support for your child

When your child moves to the Scottish education system they will be supported in their learning, personal and emotional development in accordance with the curriculum and policies in Scotland. There is no pupil premium in Scotland but the support for your child is no less effective as the funding from the Scottish Government takes account of factors such as mobility, underachievement and is fully inclusive of Forces children.
- The Scottish Government, local authorities and schools provide funding and support for all Forces children who require additional support.
- The Curriculum for Excellence in Scotland aims to enable all pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to society. Your child:
- Will learn in an environment which best meets their needs
- Will be fully engaged in the life of their school or nursery
- Will have their voice heard in decisions about their education
- Will have the support they need to take part in their learning.

- Getting It Right for Every Child (GIFREC) is the key standard in Scottish schools for all children’s needs, including Forces children. GIRFEC is a national programme which aims to improve the wellbeing of all children and young people by giving them the right help, at the right time, from the right people and in the right place.
- Parents should make the school aware their child is from an Armed Forces or Veteran family.
- Groups across Scotland set up by the National Transitions Officer share good practice which supports Forces children in schools.
- A number of schools with Forces children enrolled have received support money from the MOD Support Fund, which has allowed them to set up different projects.
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