Routemap to Parentzone

There is a wide range of information available online about education in Scotland.

Parentzone Scotland is a one-stop website for information and advice on education and Learning in Scotland. It also has a wide range of information to help parents support their children’s learning. Information on the website is divided into the following seven sections:

However, finding the right information can be difficult when you are not sure where to start or which keywords to search for. Knowing which information applies to your family and/or your child, can be challenging.

Parentzone Scotland has specific information for armed forces families (click here to read more). Parents can then navigate to the other pages of Parentzone Scotland for further information about Learning in Scotland and to help support your child’s learning when required.


Parents can sign up to receive a copy of Education Scotland’s Newsletters for the latest developments in Scottish education.

Scotland Learns

Education Scotland’s website – Scotland Learns – has a range of ideas and suggested activities to help parents support their children’s learning at home.  Activities are aimed at a variety of ages and the year groups next to the activities provide a general guide for parents.  The newsletters have information on supporting learners and their families, along with news, resources and useful  links to support your child’s learning.

Children and young people from armed forces families – This professional learning resource created by Education Scotland is designed to support children and young people from families who are in the service of the Army, Navy and Royal Air Force.

Parent Club

The Parent Club website offers up-to-date guidance from the Scottish Government on your child’s health and education.  It also has hints and tips from other parents as well as advice to help you look after your own wellbeing and to point you in the direction of the support available.

Transitions for Armed Forces families

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has published a range of Nutshell guides for parents on various topics. To download the ‘Transitions for Armed Forces Families Nutshell click here.