Identifying Armed Forces families

Armed Forces children and young people often experience many changes in their life and when schools know, they can offer much needed support.
All Scottish schools, early learning centres (ELC) and childcare settings are committed to Getting it Right for Every Child, known as GIRFEC. Your child is unique and support with transitions, even for a little while, can help children and young people cope with new experiences. It is key you let your school or ELC know you are an Armed Forces family – Regular, Reserver or Veteran/ex-Service.
Local authorities in Scotland use an Armed Forces Family Indicator within the SEEMiS data management system. This information can help schools understand how best to support your child and work with you to build relationships, gain a picture of your child’s experiences, raise awareness, and provide necessary support and early intervention. It will also add to a Scotland-wide picture and inform decisions that help support Forces families.
Further guidance for families is available to view here.
A number of additional support resources are available on this website, including poster and flyers available for downloading and distribution.