MoD unveils strategy for supporting Armed Forces families

A blueprint for addressing the challenges faced by Armed Forces families has been unveiled by the Ministry of Defence.
The ‘UK Armed Forces Families Strategy 2022-32’ pledges to make the recognition and care of Service families a “national priority”.
The “ambitious” plans acknowledge the unique challenges faced by Armed Forces families, such as mobility, deployment and separation, and the implications of such circumstances on accessing healthcare, education and housing.
The strategy seeks to offer personnel choice and flexibility, so that they can serve their country and their family.
The report states the strategy aims to “inspire partnership working across the UK, honouring the enduring pledge of the Armed Forces Covenant, and to provide direction to policy makers, the single Services and public service providers to empower Armed Forces families to live rich and fulfilling lives alongside their loved ones”.
A statement in the strategy by Keith Brown MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice, pledges Scottish Government support for Armed Forces families.
Mr Brown says: “The Scottish Government is firmly committed to supporting our Armed Forces community. Service families are a true asset and it is right that we as a nation – Government, charities, businesses and the wider public – support and empower them.
“We fully support the development of the families strategy and its aims to improve outcomes for service families to enable them to live satisfied, safe and fulfilling lives.”
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