New hub for veterans
A new veterans news and communications hub has been launched to enable forces-friendly organisations across all sectors to showcase the continued value of our highly skilled veteran community
This project is delivered by Defence Relationship Management and Cobseo (The Confederation of Service Charities).
New plans to boost veterans employment launched

Veterans’ Strategy Action Plan launches, including more than 60 commitments to help veterans with employment and healthcare.
Veterans strategy action plan
Top commitments in the Veterans’ Strategy Action Plan include:
- employment and skills
- healthcare
- understanding the veteran community
You can download the full report now.
What is a veteran?

Veterans are defined as anyone who has served for at least one day in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve) or Merchant Mariners who have seen duty on legally defined military operations.
There are currently 2.4 million Veterans in Great Britain.
Listen to our team of Veterans talk about their experiences transitioning from the UK Armed Forces and what the word ‘Veteran’ means to them.
You can find and listen to all of our Being Forces Friendly podcast episodes on Anchor.
Career Transition Partnership

The Career Transition Partnership (CTP) is a partnering agreement between the Ministry of Defence and Right Management Ltd, who are global career development and outplacement specialists and part of the Manpower Group. CTP provides resettlement services for those leaving the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and Marines. Regardless of time served, all members of the Armed Forces can benefit from CTP support when leaving the Service. In addition, they operate as an intermediary service for employers wishing to hire Service leavers.
To date, they have assisted over 235,000 Service leavers with the transition to civilian life and supported thousands of organisations looking to employ ex-Service personnel.
Find out how CTP can help your organisation harness military talent
Join CTP for one of their 2022 employment fairs. View upcoming dates and register
CTP employment fairs connect employers with skilled and experienced individuals who have un-paralleled transferable skills in planning, communication, teamwork and leadership, along with adaptability, drive and resilience.