National Transitions Officer update #7

Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group (SAFESG)

Overview: Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group (extract downloaded from the site)

“The Scottish Government recognises that children from UK Armed Forces families may at certain points of their education require additional support to benefit from school education in Scotland due to the nature of their parents’ and carers’ employment within the Armed Forces.

The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 places a duty on local authorities to identify, assess and provide for the additional support needs of all children for whose education they are responsible. Additional support needs are broadly defined, including those which might impact on children from Armed Forces families, such as transitions, interrupted learning and dealing with separation and loss.

These support needs can occur at any time during a child’s education and may be temporary or longer term. The nature of the support will vary based on the individual child’s needs and could include pastoral support as part of the universal support offered by teachers or other professionals. Our commitment is to ensure that any barriers to learning are minimised in order that all children and young people get the support they need to reach their full potential.The core purpose of the Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group (SAFESG) is to work in collaboration with key stakeholders to support the education needs of children from Armed Forces families in Scotland. This work will build on the achievements outlined in Support for the Veterans and Armed Forces Community, November 2020 as well as the actions identified in the Additional Support for Learning review, October 2020.