National Transitions Officer update #7

National overview of practice in remote Learning

“Thank you to all the practitioners who have engaged so positively in discussions with HM Inspectors as part of the national overview. We will continue to engage with you during this period of remote learning. We are currently working with the second group of schools, selected in consultation with our local authority colleagues. The discussions will centre around the same three aspects below with a focus on meeting learning needs, including those with additional support needs.

  • Talking about what is working in their own context;
  • listening to concerns and any challenges; and
  • learning what further support is needed.

We would also like to thank all of the parents and carers who have given their views in focus groups this week and last week and to those who completed our surveys. The surveys are now closed, with 12,105 parents and carers and 2,667 children and young people taking the time to give us their views on remote learning.” Read more.