National Transitions Officer update #7

MOD DCYP – Children’s Education Advisory Services

The following extracts are from a Children’s Education Advisory Services (CEAS) letter written to headteachers to outline the support that they provide for armed forces parents of school-aged children. NTO will circulate the ‘letter’ through the ADES AFWG and Headteachers’ Forum to inform and raise awareness in schools with both significant numbers, and those with just a few armed forces children.

“Service-related lifestyle can be challenging for families with children of school-age, especially when their mobility is particularly high and/or when their child has Special Educational Needs or Disability/Additional Needs…
“You may or may not be aware of the educational support and advice which we can offer to Service families, and we can make a real difference when there are complications with a child’s educational provision, either at their current school or when they move on…

“Movements between systems can sometimes be confusing for parents, and this is something we can help them to navigate, whether they are moving into Scotland (and are unfamiliar with the Scottish education system), or moving elsewhere…”

If you feel that a family would benefit from our support, please do give them a copy of the leaflets and if appropriate suggest that they contact us at

Ministry of Defence Children’s Education Advisory Service

NOTE: These resources are all available on our website, here.