Results? SDS are here to help

Whatever your provisional results are, you have options and there is support for you over the summer.
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is Scotland’s career service. SDS results support will be extended this year due to provisional results being issued to pupils and they will provide support to learners, their parents and carers from mid-June until and after results are confirmed on 10 August 2021 at what could be an uncertain time.
Help with provisional results
The SDS Helpline number is 0800 917 8000 and is availableMonday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. This is the number to call from now until 9 August to discuss provisional results and what they may mean.
Help from results day
The SDS Results Helpline number is 0808 100 8000. This helpline goes live at 8am on results day, Tuesday 10 August. SDS’s expert advisers will have access to information on course vacancies at UK colleges and universities, Confirmation and Clearing, advice about Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships and jobs, volunteering or staying on at school.
On both helplines SDS’s expert advisers are at the end of the phone to help young people and their parents and carers.
There’s lots of support on Scotland’s career website, My World of Work – it’s packed with advice, information and resources. You can also stay in touch on SDS social media for details of upcoming webinars and extra support for SQA results.
If you prefer to speak to someone in person, you can make an appointment at an SDS career centre. Find your nearest one at My World of Work.
If you cannot use a telephone and need a different way to contact SDS, you can send them a direct message on Facebook or Instagram.
This may help if you:
• are deaf, or have hearing loss
• use British Sign Language (BSL)
• have a speech, language or communication need
• have difficulty using the telephone.
BSL users can also use Contact Scotland BSL. You can use their app to sign with an interpreter who will make the phone call for you. Visit to find out more.