School choices: webinar for families and carers

A man watches a webinar on his laptop, while his son sits behind him on a sofa using a tablet computer

Skills Development Scotland’s careers advisers will be hosting an online session to support parents, guardians and carers of S2 and S3 pupils ahead of their end-of-year option choices at school

Careers advisers from Skills Development Scotland (SDS) will be hosting a webinar to introduce parents, guardians and carers to the education and careers options available to S2 and S3 pupils in Scottish schools.

The SDS session will focus on providing information and tools to help families start career conversations with young people, to support them to be confident in the decisions they make at option choice times and beyond. The webinar will cover the one-to-one service pupils will get in school as well as the online tools pupils and families can explore. Information will also be provided on Foundation Apprenticeships and how these now complement other subjects for pupils moving from S4 to S5.

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 7 December from 6.30pm to 7.15pm.

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