Author Archives for Paul McGinnity

Cover Highland Council's MLG Education Newsletter January 2021

Highland Council MLG issue 8

January 21, 2021 1:28 pm Published by Comments Off on Highland Council MLG issue 8

Issue eight of Highland Council's MLG education newsletter, has a spotlight interview with Andy McMahon, from Highlife, and information relevant to Forces Families in the Highlands

Argyll and Bute update three

January 10, 2021 6:46 am Published by Comments Off on Argyll and Bute update three

Issue three – January 2021 In this issue: Hermitage Academy launches Forces and Me group; Drumfork Community Centre; NFF Project... View Article

Argyll and Bute update two

November 10, 2020 1:09 pm Published by Comments Off on Argyll and Bute update two

In this issue: SCiP Alliance announces Thriving Lives Toolkit; Professional Learning Community releases new report

Argyll and Bute update one

October 20, 2020 5:20 pm Published by Comments Off on Argyll and Bute update one

Issue one – October 2020 In this issue: Announcing the Forces Children’s Education website; Recommended Reading