Author Archives for Paul McGinnity

Report: Impact of service life

May 17, 2021 11:38 am Published by Comments Off on Report: Impact of service life

Read the latest report from the Naval Children's Charity and VFI about the impact of service life on children

EVENT: The Alternative Certification Model

April 23, 2021 4:42 pm Published by Comments Off on EVENT: The Alternative Certification Model

NFPS and SQA are holding a live webinar on May 04, to inform parents and learners on the ACM and answer any questions you may have

Cover of Global Education Matters podcast

Global Education Matters

April 20, 2021 5:19 pm Published by Comments Off on Global Education Matters

Listen as presenters from the Global Education Team visit locations around the globe to discuss the opportunities for Forces Families stationed abroad

Dreghorn Pre-school and Creche pupil with teacher and building blocks

Factsheet: Service Pupil Premium

April 20, 2021 5:52 am Published by Comments Off on Factsheet: Service Pupil Premium

The Department for Education in England has introduced a new fund in recognition of the challenges facing modern service families