Argyll and Bute update #9
April 23, 2022 11:04 am Comments Off on Argyll and Bute update #9In this issue: The Argyll and Bute Service Pupil Advisor looks at April, the Month of the Military Child; The... View Article
In this issue: The Argyll and Bute Service Pupil Advisor looks at April, the Month of the Military Child; The... View Article
Education Scotland recently held an informative webinar for educators covering topics related to conflict and war
Children and young people from Armed Forces families are being celebrated in April, which has been designated as the Month of the Military Child
The Royal Airforce Aerobatic Team take to the skies regularly and you can see them around the country this summer
Highland Council has released two Key Messages documents, for educators, to raise awareness of children from Armed Forces families
We've created a number of informative guide for Families transitioning to new schools
Our team was honoured to join the other Scottish Veterans Award 2022 hopefuls at Edinburgh Castle on Tuesday, 15 March, and receive our finalist certificate
A new veterans news and communications hub enables forces-friendly organisations across all sectors to showcase the continued value of the UK’s highly skilled veteran community
Conflict around the world has a huge impact on Forces Families, we're collecting a number of resources to help you have meaningful conversations
In the March issue the Arygll and Bute Service Pupil Advisor introduces new DCPO Drew Omand, the NFF Books for all Project and more