Author Archives for Paul McGinnity

Festive greetings

December 23, 2022 12:04 pm Published by Comments Off on Festive greetings

As we reflect on 2022 and embrace the festive season, Forces Children’s Education would like to wish all a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year

A man watches a webinar on his laptop, while his son sits behind him on a sofa using a tablet computer

School choices: webinar for families and carers

December 1, 2022 12:50 pm Published by Comments Off on School choices: webinar for families and carers

Skills Development Scotland’s careers advisers will be hosting an online session to support parents, guardians and carers of S2 and S3 pupils ahead of their end of year option choices at school

A screenshot of the November RAFF e-newsletter showing nine of their top stories

RAFFF eBulletin – Issue 396

December 1, 2022 12:16 pm Published by Comments Off on RAFFF eBulletin – Issue 396

In the November issue of t e-newsletter, they cover new drop-in centres; A new podcast; Supporting partners' innovation; the Forces On Awards and much more

Cover, The Ministry of Defence Statutory Guidance on the Armed Forces Covenant Duty

Armed Forces Covenant Duty

November 22, 2022 11:11 am Published by Comments Off on Armed Forces Covenant Duty

The Armed Forces Covenant Duty 2021 comes into force today, Educators should read the provided Statutory Guidance included here

A black and white image of Remembrance crosses with poppies highlighted in red

Remembrance Sunday: A nation pays tribute

November 13, 2022 8:41 am Published by Comments Off on Remembrance Sunday: A nation pays tribute

Remembrance Sunday will take place on 13 November and will be marked across the country with poignant wreath-laying ceremonies and silent reflection

A woman sits at her computer in a home office

Veterans survey seeks feedback

November 10, 2022 12:54 pm Published by Comments Off on Veterans survey seeks feedback

The Office for Veterans' Affairs and Office for National Statistics is looking to create a more rounded picture of veteran life in the UK, can you help?

Garden of remembrance Edinburgh

Remembrance Sunday events

November 9, 2022 11:30 am Published by Comments Off on Remembrance Sunday events

Commemoration events to honour all those who have defended our country will take place across the country

A screenshot of the latest issue of the Veterans Scotland e-newsletter featuring a story about the National Service of Remembrance

Veterans Scotland newsletter

November 4, 2022 5:21 pm Published by Comments Off on Veterans Scotland newsletter

The latest issue of Veterans Scotland newsletter is out now with lots of great resources and news from across Scotland