Bounce Forward empowers families

Published: February 2, 2023
A new course, starting in February 2023, from Bounce Forward aims to give children from Armed Forces families the skills to deal with uncertainty and setbacks
A smiling mother and father look down at their newborn in the mother's arms (illustration)

School choices: webinar for families and carers

Published: December 1, 2022
Skills Development Scotland’s careers advisers will be hosting an online session to support parents, guardians and carers of S2 and S3 pupils ahead of their end of year option choices at school
A man watches a webinar on his laptop, while his son sits behind him on a sofa using a tablet computer

Remembrance Sunday events

Published: November 9, 2022
Commemoration events to honour all those who have defended our country will take place across the country
Garden of remembrance Edinburgh

Spouse Development Programme

Published: October 24, 2022
A new event looks at prospects for Armed Forces spouses and partners
A man wearing a sweater sits on a wooden dock looking out to sea

World Mental Health Day: In this together

Published: October 10, 2022
We support mental health all year round with resources and guides to help forces families cope with the difficulties that come with having deployed parents or siblings
Boy in Black and Gray Sweater Covering his Eyes with his Hands

Countdown to the Scottish Learning Festival

Published: September 16, 2022
This year’s festival will take place 21-22 September with a blended mix of virtual and in person sessions
We are live! A colourful poster describing the Scottish Learning Festival

Conflict and War: Supporting educators

Published: April 20, 2022
Education Scotland recently held an informative webinar for educators covering topics related to conflict and war
A cover graphic from the Education Scotland Conlfict and War support for educators presentation

Celebrate Month of the Military Child this April

Published: March 30, 2022
Children and young people from Armed Forces families are being celebrated in April, which has been designated as the Month of the Military Child 
Month of the Military Child

Where to see the Red Arrows in 2022

Published: March 28, 2022
The Royal Airforce Aerobatic Team take to the skies regularly and you can see them around the country this summer
The Red Arrows aerobatic team with their signature coloured exhaust smoke

Webinar: Scottish Apprenticeships?

Published: February 16, 2022
Skills Development Scotland has announced a new webinar in its Parents and Carers series covering Scottish apprenticeships which will take place on 10 March
Female mechanic apprentice being supervised in a task